手机细览 Marine Protection: Guangdong introduces new ways to protect the “blue engine”
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Marine Protection: Guangdong introduces new ways to protect the “blue engine”
时间:2020-07-23  作者:林玲钰  新闻来源:阳光检务网  【字号: | |


 The ocean is the “blue engine” of the development of China. Guangdong has the longest coastline in our country, with its total sea area and number of islands ranking respectively second and third in the nation. In recent years, by adopting new methods to handle cases, such as using drones to shoot and collect evidence and introducing the “exobrain,” etc, Guangdong’s procuratorial organs have urged relevant departments to rectify 209 sewage outlets into the sea, and clean up pollution from over 8.67 km2 of illegally used sea and polluted sea areas, and 99,832 tons of marine polluting solid wastes.

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